Christianity 🤝 metalcore

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May 23Liked by Peter C. Baker

It all blends and overlaps and surprises us, doesn't it? I don't think any of this music ever reached by 68 year old ears, but it certainly enriched YOUR life. This is a wonderfully evoked snapshot.

I get it!

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we'll have to have a screamo listening party next time you're over

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May 23Liked by Peter C. Baker

I know very little about this genre but this is a great read. So much in this made me smile and so much feels universal to the whole teenage experience. There is so much raw and confusing emotion, it’s little wonder that it’s such a formative time for music taste.

I still try not to find out what songs are actually about but I very much enjoyed the foot note at the end!

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We were all emo kids, whether we were listening to the stuff or not...

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