this was so tender and beautiful - thank you for sharing! such an evocative piece (and im also excited to save the song to listen to later in full!)

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Thanks John! Am I understanding correctly that you'd never heard 'Superconnected' before? If so, I'm especially thrilled ....

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yeah, that's right!

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*Excellent* news.

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Well written. Am I nuts for thinking “Our Faces Split the Coast in Half” is a monumentally good album opener/in the running for BSS’s best song? You mention the chaos… On “Faces” It whirls into one of the coolest cacophonies I’ve heard from any rock band, ever.

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It's such a good album opener! And a song I would love to know the history of ... It has always had, to me, the feeling of a song in progress that someone magically recast into an Actual Thing ...

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If I remember correctly, the vinyl pressing includes some scribbled liner notes under each song, and the note for that track is something like “embrace the chaos.” Lightning in a bottle!

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Great album! 7/4 Shoreline is my jam though. Justin Peroff’s drumming makes that tune for me.

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Yes! I liked it so much I wrote a total rip-off song called 'Marina' for a band I was in during college 😂. Couldn't even see my way to changing the lyrics to something non-"land meeting water" related 😂😂😂.

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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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Oh my gosh, this album was third year of college for me, and I totally felt like this was a happy/posi album (especially compared to their first album). This is a beautiful reflection, I'm glad I discovered your newsletter! Reading and feeling nostalgic about music is my faaavorite.

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